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10+ Years

We have more than years of experience

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About Company

Welcome to AJ Dispatch
Your Trusted Truck Dispatch Partner

AJ Dispatch uses all the professional staff and equipment to provide you matchless dispatch services with years of experience. We aim to keep our core values at the top and strive hard to give you a smooth dispatch service experience in 48 states of the USA that is valuable and efficient as per your needs.
Aj Dispatch specialize in helping carriers to find the top paying freight loads for their trucks. Our team of dispatchers excels at negotiating top rates and presenting you with various options to make well-informed decisions.
There is a reason Aj Dispatch became the industry leader in dispatch service. We consistently help our carriers move more freight safely and cost effectively every day!

Local Service

Dispatch Services involve the meticulous coordination of tasks, resources, and timelines. In the realm of local operations, this translates to swift decision-making, real-time tracking, and agile adaptation to dynamic scenarios. Local Dispatch Services are the behind-the-scenes architects, ensuring that every piece of the puzzle falls into place.


Parcel Delivered


Total Branch


Satisfied Clients


Delivered Packages

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What People and Clients Think About Us?

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; finibus malesuada.

John Doe

Morbi placerat neque. Morbi venenatis. Donec dignissim dui et efficitur, luctus nunc maximus. Curabitur ornare.

jon doe

Curabitur vehicula fermentum iaculis. Praesent cursus eros finibus sem gravida, quis data tempus lectus varius.

jane salima

Ut pharetra neque sit amet urna pulvinar venenatis. Suspendisse iaculis blandit libero, condimentum dui consequat.

steve powers

Rhoncus odio, finibus molestie leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mauris massa, accumsan gravida, tempor elit.

erin chang

Who We Are

AJ Dispatch Services is not just a dispatch agency; we are your dedicated partners in the world of trucking and logistics. With over a decade of experience in the specialized transportation industry, we have the expertise and network to provide personalized, one-of-a-kind solutions, setting high standards for quality freight shipping.

Our Mission

At AJ Dispatch Services, we’re on a mission to make life easier and more profitable for owner-operators and truckers. We’re here to connect you with the best dispatch services, ensuring great rates and dependable shipments all across the USA. Our commitment is to provide shipping solutions that truly add value, expertly handling your unique freight needs with care and expertise.

Our Values

At AJ Dispatch Services, our core values drive everything we do. These values define our identity and reflect our commitment to our clients and partners.

1. Reliability and Commitment

We take pride in being a dependable partner for owner-operators and truckers. Our commitment to your success is unwavering, and we strive to provide services you can rely on every step of the way.

2. Efficiency and Innovation

Efficiency is the backbone of our operations. We continuously innovate our processes to offer you streamlined solutions that make your trucking journey smoother and more profitable.

3. Collaboration and Partnership

Your success is intertwined with ours. We consider our clients as partners and work collaboratively to achieve mutual growth and prosperity in the trucking industry.

Our Approach

At AJ Dispatch Services, our approach is centered around you – the owner-operator or trucker navigating the road of logistics. Here’s how we make the process simple and effective:

Understanding Your Needs

We start by listening. Our team takes the time to understand your specific requirements and challenges. This allows us to tailor our services to match your unique situation.

Crafting Tailored Solutions

No two journeys are the same. Based on what we learn from you, we create customized transportation and logistics solutions. These solutions are designed to fit seamlessly into your business model.

Taking Care of the Details

Once the plan is set, we handle all the nitty-gritty details. From arranging shipments to managing paperwork, we ensure everything runs smoothly, leaving you with more time for what you do best.

Prioritizing Safety and Respect

Your safety matters. We uphold the highest safety standards for you, our drivers, contractors, and team members. Respect is at the core of our interactions, ensuring a positive and secure experience.

Adapting to Change

The road ahead isn’t always predictable. Our approach embraces flexibility. As your needs evolve, we adjust our strategies to keep up. Our goal is to provide solutions that can weather any changes.

Clear and Honest Pricing

Transparency is crucial. Our pricing is clear and competitive. You’ll know exactly what you’re getting and how it contributes to the value we bring to your logistics operations.

Positive Attitude, Positive Outcomes

Challenges are opportunities in disguise. With a can-do attitude, we tackle obstacles head-on. Our experience, combined with a commitment to your success, ensures positive outcomes.

Your Success, Our Reward

Ultimately, our approach is all about your success. We’re here to support your journey, provide expert guidance, and contribute to your growth in the world of trucking and logistics. Your success is what drives us forward.